About Dr Heckroodt Laubscher

Dr Heckroodt Laubscher qualified as an orthopedic surgeon in 2007 after
obtaining a MMED degree from the University of Pretoria, and successfully
completed the examinations for the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa in
Orthopedics. He subsequently travelled to France to complete a shoulder
fellowship with Dr Phillipe Collins, a prominent shoulder surgeon in Rennes,
France. During this time he also had the opportunity to visit numerous well-
respected shoulder surgeons in Europe.
Since his return from France he has worked exclusively in the field of shoulder
surgery performing both arthroscopic and arthroplasty shoulder surgery.
He enjoys hosting surgeons in his theatre for training. He has been an invited
guest speaker to both local and international shoulder surgery courses and
conferences. During these he presents papers on his own treatment results but
also surgical techniques that he utilizes during surgery. He also periodically
travels abroad as consultant for international and local medical devices
companies to present cadaver workshops, and training forums.
He is currently a member of the South African Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons
Society (SASES) and The European Shoulder and Elbow Society (SECEC). He
also acts as the Gauteng Lions Rugby Union Shoulder consultant.

Specializing in Orthopaedics with special interest in:

Arthroscopic surgery
Arthroplasty of the shoulder
Rotator cuff pathology
Shoulder instablility
Traumatology of the clavicle, acromio-clavicular joint and porximal humerus.

Contact Dr Heckroodt Laubscher